Hades's Treasure Hunt

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Hades's Treasure Hunt is one of the three Treasure Hunt panels in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is the third and final one available, obtained after completing Chapter 25. It generally has tougher objectives than Palutena's and Viridi's. Completing it will uncover a picture of the commanders of the Underworld Army with Medusa and Hades in the upper corners.

First Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Use 150 Special Attacks. Idol: Orne
2 Collect all Zodiac Chamber powers. None
3 Collect over 1,000,000 hearts. Idol: Petrified Palutena
4 Chapter 2: Defeat Gaol with a dash melee attack. (Intensity 5.0 or higher) Idol: Magmoo
5 Chapter 16: Clear this stage using a cannon. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Idol: Fairy Orbitars
6 Chapter 10: Clear this chapter in 9 minutes. Power: Spite Lv. 3
7 Buy 100 weapons. Weapon: Knuckle Staff
8 Chapter 18: Clear this chapter within 4 minutes. Hearts: 15,000
9 Defeat the Phoenix with the Doom Cannon. Feather
10 Recover onto your feet from a knockback 100 times. Weapon: End-All Arm
11 Play Nearby in Together Mode 50 times. Feather
12 Acquire all palms. Weapon: Ninja Palm

Second Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Acquire a Hewdraw Club with a melee-combo modifier. Hearts: 5,000
2 Acquire Raptor Claws with a status-resistance modifier. Idol: Cellular Skuttler
3 Acquire all bows. Idol: Palutena
4 Use 100 items. Weapon: Cutter Palm
5 Fire a total of 50,000 shots. Weapon: Drill Arm
6 Chapter 21: Defeat the Chaos Kin without letting Dark Pit get taken down. Power: Slip Shot Lv. 2
7 Clear Boss Battle mode on NORMAL. Idol: Hades (Battle)
8 Defeat 50 Souflees. Idol: Crusader Blade
9 Achieve a high score of 1,000,000 Idol: Drill Arm
10 Chapter 22: Clear this chapter within 11 minutes. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Power: Virus Lv. 3
11 Chapter 11: Clear this chapter within 9 minutes. None
12 Chapter 23: Destroy 150 enemies and clear the chapter. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Rock Bomb

Third Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Play for more than 100 hours. Hearts: 20,000
2 Chapter 4: Destroy 200 enemies and clear the chapter. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Suit of Skuttler
3 Defeat 10 Rare Treasurefish. Idol: Rare Treasurefish
4 Chapter 14: Defeat Phosphora within 30 seconds. Power: Angelic Missile Lv. 3
5 Chapter 5: Destroy 220 enemies and clear the chapter. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Idol: Ninja Palm
6 Chapter 15: Clear this chapter within 10 minutes. None
7 Chapter 1: Defeat Twinbellows before it can roar once. Hearts: 8,000
8 Chapter 21: Clear this chapter within 14 minutes. Idol: Aurum Bow
9 Chapter 16: Clear this chapter within 11 minutes. Hearts: 15,000
10 Achieve a total score of 15,000,000. Idol: Vakloom
11 Chapter 19: Clear the chapter using a club. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Raptor Claws
12 Collect all Zodiac Chamber weapons. Power Unlocked: Fortune's Jukebox

Fourth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Acquire all orbitars. Idol: Shadow Pit
2 Chapter 11: Clear the chapter using an arm. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Thanatos (Transformations 2)
3 Defeat Magnus with the Magnus Club. Music: Boss Fight 2
4 Chapter 6: Clear the chapter using a bow. (Intensity 9.0) None
5 Acquire a Dark Pit Staff with a full-health boost modifier. Idol: Black Club
6 Score 100 or more hits during the game credits. Idol: Final Strike
7 Chapter 20: Defeat the Chaos Kin without hitting Palutena. None
8 Defeat 100 bosses. Music: Hades's Infernal theme
9 Narrowly avoid a total of 50 shots in Air Battles. Idol: Thanatos (Transformations 2)
10 Acquire all clubs. Weapon: Black Club
11 Chapter 14: Clear this chapter within 10 minutes. Hearts: 15,000
12 Acquire 100 weapons. None

Fifth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Chapter 10: Defeat the Phoenix while in the air above the platform. Hearts: 10,000
2 Chapter 10: Destroy 220 enemies and clear this chapter. (Intensity 9.0) Weapon: Phoenix Arm
3 Chapter 20: Clear this chapter using a bow. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Clobbler
4 Defeat Aurum Pyrrhon with the Magnus Club. Idol: Boogity
5 Acquire a Palutena Bow with a heart-bonus modifier. Idol: Shulm
6 Chapter 19: Defeat the Chariot Master while in the lead on the chariot track. Idol: Lightning Chariot
7 Put over 300,000 hearts into the Fiend's Cauldron. None
8 Chapter 12: Destroy 220 enemies and clear the chapter. (Intensity 7.5 or higher). Weapon: Rose Staff
9 Acquire a First Blade with an in-peril-attack-boost modifier. Power: Burn Attack Lv. 3
10 Execute 2,000 dodges. Idol: Centurion Orbitars
11 Chapter 24: Clear this chapter with a score of 500,000 or higher. Hearts: 8,000
12 Chapter 6: Beat Dark Pit without jumping onto any platforms. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Idol: Dark Pit Staff

Sixth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Use powers 100 times. Idol: Nukleen
2 Acquire all arms. Power: Weaken Attack Lv. 3
3 Acquire a weapon valued over 300. Idol: Aurum Brain
4 Chapter 13: Clear this chapter using a palm. (Intensity 9.0) Weapon: Midnight Palm
5 Exceed 15,000 points on the Practice Range (Air Battle) damage counter. Hearts: 9,000
6 Defeat 100 opponents in Together Mode. Power: Interference Lv. 3
7 Achieve 30 victories in Light vs. Dark. Power Unlocked: Warp
8 Collect 350 different Idols. Idol: Medusa (Monster)
9 Chapter 16: Collect 40,000 or more hearts and clear this chapter. (Intensity 9.0) Weapon: Sonic Cannon
10 Chapter 17: Clear this chapter within 18 minutes. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Weapon: Upperdash Arm
11 Chapter 17: Clear the chapter without losing any Centurion Strongarms. (Intensity 5.0 or higher) Idol: Angel Cannon
12 Chapter 15: Clear this chapter using a cannon. (Intensity 9.0) Weapon: Rail Cannon

Seventh Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Chapter 25: Clear this chapter within 15 minutes. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Idol: Knuckle Staff
2 Acquire all staffs. None
3 Clear all chapters on Intensity 9.0. Hearts: 999,999
4 Collect all in-game Idols. Weapon: First Blade
5 Chapter 13: Clear this chapter within 13 minutes. Idol: Mudrone
6 Chapter 20: Clear this chapter within 8 minutes. Hearts: 15,000
7 Chapter 12: Knock all Guards into the trench simultaneously. Idol: Kraken
8 Chapter 19: Clear this chapter within 17 minutes. Weapon: Skyscraper Club
9 Play Far Away in Together Mode 50 times. Power: Random Effect Lv. 2
10 Acquire Guardian Orbitars with a health modifier. Hearts: 3,000
11 Have 300,000 hearts in your possession. Idol: Dark Fighter
12 Open 150 treasure boxes. Feather

Eighth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Clear Boss Battle mode on HARD. Idol: Great Sacred Treasure (Mech Armor)
2 Acquire a Bowl Arm with an in-peril autododge modifier. Idol: Violet Palm
3 Use Fuse Weapons to create 50 weapons. None
4 Chapter 3: Clear this chapter using a blade. (Intensity 9.0) Feather
5 Acquire all blades. Power: Black Hole Lv. 3
6 Chapter 19: Defeat the Chariot Master with a melee attack. None
7 Defeat the Aurum Core with the Ancient Staff. None
8 Chapter 23: Clear this chapter within 11 minutes. Idol: Brawny Claws
9 Chapter 8: Clear the chapter without taking any damage. (Intensity 2.0 or higher) Weapon: Earthmaul Club
10 Acquire all cannons. Idol: Juggernaut
11 Chapter 14: Clear this chapter without taking any damage. (Intensity 2.0 or higher) Weapon: Shock Orbitars
12 Acquire all claws. Weapon: Brawler Claws

Ninth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Acquire every weapon. Idol: Daybreak
2 Clear chapters 30 times. Power Unlocked: Super Speed
3 Chapter 9: Clear the chapter without using the Three Sacred Treasures. Weapon: Ogre Club
4 Dismantle 100 weapons. Idol: Dog
5 Chapter 12: Clear this chapter within 11 minutes. Idol: Trailtail
6 Clear Boss Battle mode on EASY. Boss Battle: Intensity Unlocked
7 Chapter 22: Defeat the Soul-Eating Monster. None
8 Acquire an Aurum Palm with a shaking modifier. Idol: Souflee
9 Acquire a Leo Cannon with an item-attack modifier. Idol: Dark Pit
10 Chapter 24: Beat the Great Sacred Treasure without taking any damage. Idol: Great Sacred Treasure (Pursuit)
11 Perform 100 Idol tosses. Power: Freeze Attack Lv. 3
12 Acquire all powers. Idol: Girl

Tenth Row

Col Objective Reward
1 Chapter 3: Beat Hewdraw Reborn without hitting any purple balls of light. (Intensity 7.5 or higher) Idol: Underworld Gatekeeper
2 Perform 1,000 melee attacks. Feather
3 Chapter 4: Defeat the Great Reaper without climbing to the second floor. None
4 Chapter 15: Clear this chapter with a score of 350,000 or higher. Idol: Roz
5 Defeat 10,000 enemies. Idol: Palutena Blade
6 Chapter 24: Clear this chapter within 11 minutes. Weapon Unlocked: Palutena Bow
7 Chapter 7: Clear the stage with a score of 450,000 or higher. (Intensity 9.0) Idol: Dynamo Cannon
8 Chapter 17: Clear the chapter using claws. (Intensity 9.0) Weapon: Beam Claws
9 Chapter 18: Clear the chapter without taking any damage. Power: Spin Attack Lv. 2
10 Chapter 21: Collect 35,000 or more hearts and clear this chapter. None
11 Play Light vs. Dark 30 times. Stage Unlocked: Large Arena
12 Play Together Mode 200 times. Idol: Aurum Cruiser